Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

10th World City Forum (WUF) 2020


10. Światowe Forum Miejskie (WUF) 2020

The 10th World City Forum (WUF) has started in the capital of the United Arab Emirates. It will run from February 8 to February 13. It is the second largest UN-chaired conference after the global climate summit. UN-Habitat, the United Nations agenda for urbanization and urban settlements, is hosting the event.

Poland is an active participant in the event, as will be the organizer of the 11th edition of WUF in Katowice in 2022. Our country is represented by an official delegation consisting of, inter alia, from the Minister of Funds and Regional Policy Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak, the deputy minister Grzegorz Pudy and the president of Katowice Marcin Krupa.

An important element of the promotion of Poland and Katowice during WUF10 is the Polish pavilion, the theme of which is the slogan " Katowice in the heart of changes”. Na odwiedzających w polskiej strefie czeka pokój innowacji, strefa konferencyjna połączona ze strefą relaksu oraz kącik gastronomiczny.

Innovative devices designed by Polish companies are presented in the Innovation Room. Among them there is MOBOT® AGV eRunner MW - a mobile robot by WObit for the automation of internal transport. MOBOT moves in and around the stand area autonomously using LMS laser navigation. It has been selected as one of eight innovative products to represent Poland's technological achievements. Other devices include an electronic stethoscope that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to control the respiratory system, and unmanned aerial platforms that can replace helicopters.

The World City Forum also means many meetings, conferences and workshops. An expert from WObit on February 10 took part in the panel entitled A smart city works best with informed users. How to get the most out of the technology of the future?

More about the event on the website of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy: -regions / room-innovation


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