Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

Warsaw Industry Week 2019


Warsaw Industry Week 2019

The fourth edition of the Warsaw Industry Week took place on November 13-15 at the Trade Fair and Congress Center PTAK Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn near Warsaw. The WObit company presented its offer in the automation and robotics zone.

At the WObit stand, visitors could see the new MOBOT x Arm project, or MOBOT® mobile robot equipped with a robotic arm. The MOBOT® AGV FlatRunner MW mobile robot and KUKA KR Agilus are a duo combining the advantages of an autonomous transport robot and a compact 6-axis robot. This project was implemented thanks to the cooperation of WObit with the companies KUKA and Hannex.

On the first day there was a conference Instruments of Industry 4.0 , where one of the speakers was Przemysław Degórski - Director of Development, Production and Sales at WObit. During the speech entitled From 0 to Industry 4.0 - MOBOT AGV as an effective instrument of Industry 4.0 - case study przedstawił on przykłady wdrożeń robotów mobilnych, które są jednym z filarów czwartej rewolucji przemysłowej. Dyrektor wziął również udział w panelu dyskusyjnym: Industry 4.0 - revolution or evolution?

In addition, the demo presenting the work of sensors FlexiForce from Tekscan was also very popular among the visitors. .

Thank you for nice meetings and conversations.


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