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The MW Art mobile platform at the Polski Theater Arnold Szyfman in Warsaw

About the theater

Teatr Polski in Warsaw, founded by Arnold Szyfman in 1913, was created from the beginning with great ambitions and quickly gained the rank of the first scene in the country. Szyfman attached great importance to the artistic shape and unique style he presented what is still going on today. Currently, the management with Andrzej Seweryn at the forefront sets an ambitious classic in the development of the best world renowned directors.

Background and the original state

In art Queen of Madagascar the director planned a platform movement on stage requiring mobility in each direction and 1500 kg lifting capacity. The rotational scene already existing in the theater could not be used for the implementation of the movement, because it was necessary to be able to move freely in different areas of the stage.

Objectives of implementation

Providing the ability to direct the set design using a mobile platform. The basis for creating the platform was a mobile robot MOBOT  AGV FlatRunner MW. The project was adapted to the requirements of the Theater, and a control console for the mobile platform was developed, which was used by the operator.


MW Art

The WObit company has designed and manufactured, designed for the theater, a mobile platform MW Art controlled wirelessly by the operator via a control console. The construction of the mobile platform MW ART is based on the strength, steel frame construction. Thanks to the symmetrical design, the use of four special wheels, the device can move in any direction without the need to perform turning or even turning maneuvers.

The platform is used to move along a horizontal, even floor, inside the buildings and must be loaded evenly, the maximum mass transferred is 500 kg for the platform itself or 1500 kg for the platform built in the revolving stage. Battery is provided for efficient work. Controlling the work of the platform takes place by means of a control console by the operator in manual mode - by means of a joystick.


The platform together with additional BLDC motors was delivered to the Theater, where it was built by the Theater technical team in a larger platform with a diameter of 4 m. After installation, WObit trained operators and parameterized the operation of two engines to provide more rotary motion. platform. The platform took part in the attempts to perform the show Queen's Mousy Madagascar shortly after launching.

MW Art

The effect and benefits

The premiere of art together with the applied technical solutions proved to be a great success. Quoting one of the reviews: Decorations and choreography are a real masterpiece. It's been a long time since I was so impressed by the stage design (or so, that I would tell my friends about it). What's happening on stage at the Polish Theater is a real revue, an adventure and one of the coolest theater dramas in my life. The directing of the decorations themselves (yes, it is possible, because many elements are extremely mobile) has given me enormous admiration. I do not want to put spoilers here, but even the same way - a change of one background or another room - is fresh, surprising and very impressive.1

Other effects

Theater implementing the MW Art mobile platform, it has gained a functional tool for providing additional movement and decoration for stage decoration. The platform is a universal solution, giving the opportunity to be used in other performances prepared by the Theater. Modern technology for the implementation of the movement on the stage shows that Teatr Polski im. Arnold Szyfman in Warsaw is a precursor in their implementation, creating a completely new quality and exceptional value for the recipient.

1. https : //

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