Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

WObit Supplier of the Year 2017!


WObit Dostawcą Roku 2017!

During the gala that took place on November 23 at the Marriott hotel in Warsaw, the WObit company received the statuette for the Supplier of 2017 in the Industrial Automation category.

The Factory of the Year contest gala, organized by Trade Media International, has been held for the sixth time, however, for the first time, the suppliers of products have been distinguished.

WObit received this prestigious title for getting the highest number of voices for all products introduced in the last year to the Product of the Year competition organized by the magazine Control Engineering and In-engineering and Maintenance.

We are happy to appreciate our long-term activity in the industrial automation market. It's worth highlighting, For every success of the Polish company WObit, the whole team works, doing their daily work with passion for creation and respect for the other person, and this award confirms the right direction of our company– podsumował Jacek Ober, Dyrektor Marketingu i Inwestycji, Współwłaściciel w firmie WObit.


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