Rozwiązania i Komponenty dla AutomatykiSolutions and Components for Automation

WObit is the industry partner of Robo Challenge 2024


WObit Partnerem branżowym Robo Challenge 2025

Robo Challenge to pierwsze w Polsce profesjonalne zawody w programowaniu robotów i tworzeniu stanowisk zrobotyzowanych. Tegoroczna, czwarta edycja konkursu odbędzie się 9 i 10 października 2023 we Wrocławiu. Zapraszamy do udziału.

WObit has become an industry partner of Robo Challenge 2024 and is preparing one of the competition tasks. The competition will be attended by integration companies that implement robots in industry on a daily basis, as well as technical universities, i.e. real enthusiasts for whom programming robots and creating stations using them is both an adventure and a challenge.


Mobilny robot manipulacyjny, czyli intralogistyka 4.0 dla przemysłu

Maximum simplification of processes and improvement of efficiency in tasks requiring automatic transport and feeding of loads is a need present in many industries. The answer to this challenge is the hybrid concept of the MOBOT® xArm Mobile Manipulator implemented by WObit®, which combines a collaborative robot and a mobile robot. It consists of a mobile base - mobile robot MOBOT® MW < /strong>with an omnidirectional drive, two navigation systems and inductive charging, and a highly agile FANUC® CRX-20iA collaborative robot arm.

During the competition, teams will face the challenge of programming a mobile manipulation robot for precise movement in a limited space bypassing the obstacle and reaching the designated point where the detail will be reloaded. This task presents a real application from the automotive industry and is a perfect example of the use of modern intralogistics and robotization in industry.

You can read about the details of all this year's competitions at


Robo Challenge 2024 - Wielowymiarowa przestrzeń wymiany doświadczeń i kontaktów z zakresu automatyki i robotyki przemysłowej.

The #RC2024 competition will be complemented by a conference part, during which the latest solutions available on the market dedicated to issues, technologies and tools in the field of robotics and industrial automation will be presented.

On site, you will be able to see the full spectrum of industrial robots in applications reflecting real production processes. It is also an opportunity to take advantage of training in the basics of programming systems: security, PLC, transport, vision, tool replacement, drive systems, and many others.

Experts, including specialists from WObit, will provide support in the design of robotic processes and help in better understanding and selection of automation elements supporting the processes.

We highly recommend participation to all people interested in industrial automation and robotics to take advantage of this comprehensive opportunity to update and expand their competences in these fields. To participate, complete the application form at:



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